Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Absentia, Memoria, Florida Part Three

Absentia, Memoria, Florida Part Three: Florida It had been 35 years since I’d been to Florida.  I didn’t enjoy it as a child, too humid, too sticky, worse than summer in NJ, and it rained every day I was there.  This trip was very different…. Greeted by rainbows all along the ride from Orlando to […]

Going Slow…

Is not the sort of thing I do willingly, unless I’m on vacation. But now, thanks to an accident while on vacation, I’m being forced to rest, stay off my feet, and go very slowly. I’m able to work, but even that is much slower than usual. I broke my right 5th metatarsal and it […]

In Absentia, Memoria, Florida. Part One

Starting with silliness and at the end of the story, my flight home departs from Orlando, thanks to my friend’s elite status I got priority boarding which meant having time to sit and watch everyone else board, and I’ve realized that there is a whole subset of the “Bear” community, that are seriously into Disney […]

Rethinking Old Ways: Hard Boiled Eggs

For years I’ve used the “Julia Child Method” for making hard boiled eggs, and while it works most of the time, the times it fails and I end up with those heinous green rings, gritty texture and sulfurous odors, tended to be the times when I was trying to impress, and presentation matters. Recently I’ve […]

Sunday Breakfast, Mexican Style.

I had an awesome breakfast today! What you’re looking at is carne marinated pork sauteed with kale, leek, and mushroom, alongside some scrambled eggs with a bit of Tapatio hotsauce, over La Mexicana soft corn tortillas.  I’ve been told repeatedly “La Mexicana” is the best in the bay area.  Damn good tortillas, I just threw […]

I’m Calling Fashion Shenanigans!

That’s right, I said Shenanigans!!! This article in the Seattle Pi Finally! Seattle called a ‘fashionable city’ called mt attention to a fraud, the poll by “Bundle”  The most and least fashionable cities in America. In their cities listing they have “New York, NY” aka NYC, but further down in the poll, they break out […]

My Heart Broken Open

Once upon a time a professor declared that I was a “Poetic Genius” …. Shortly after that I stopped writing.  It’s only been recently that I even tried to write poetry again, I’m feeling a bit rusty most certainly, but while my beloved Guru Ma Jaya lay dying of cancer slowly slipping away from this […]

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati – In Memory Of

I can hear her screaming, shrieking wildly with joy and abundance, it’s the scream she would let out whenever one of her Queens arrived late, trying to slink in unnoticed, and then in her thick Brooklyn accent, she’d flatly state: “You’re late.” Oh those screams and the laughter in howls and huzzahs, a cacophony of […]

Misadventures in gluten-free baking

No, I am not going “Gluten-Free” or “GF” it ain’t happening. But I have friends with gluten issues from confirmed celiac, to people who just feeling better without gluten, so I’ve decided to see what’s involved in faking gluten.  So far what’s involved is a lot of money!  Baking gluten-free is fucking pricey. Ingredients from […]

Why I decided to quit facebook…

Hello there, as you might have noticed things around here are getting a little livelier, lemmetellya what happened. In the process of finding a new place to live, I also had to set up a place to stay as a backup for 11 days, (odd, yes, long story not being told).  The house I was […]