For years I’ve used the “Julia Child Method” for making hard boiled eggs, and while it works most of the time, the times it fails and I end up with those heinous green rings, gritty texture and sulfurous odors, tended to be the times when I was trying to impress, and presentation matters. Recently I’ve […]
Persian Kotlet
Kotlet is a Persian dish made from ground meat, mashed potato, onion, herbs and spices. It’s damn tasty, and dead easy to make. If you can make a meatball, you can make this, it’s that easy. It’s also an easy way to impress your friends with how ‘cultural’ you are. ;^) Serve with rice and […]
The first week
Officially started and the first week is over. On the whole it was good, though there were a few rough spots. Nearly burning the main dish on my first day… The oven not properly igniting on my second, which could have blown up but instead just blew the door open. Teachers acting like they don’t […]