These are damn tasty crackers! Crunchy, flavorful, healthy and awesome! I’d been wanting to experiment with crackers for the kids at school, but wanted them to be really healthy, I remembered a recipe we made in culinary school for some “Oatmeal Dulse Crackers” I used that as a jumping off point and adapted it to […]
Baked Sundays: Crackers!
Filed Under: Baked Sundays, Baking, Diet & Nutrition, Food, Recipes Tagged With: Baking, crackers, Gluten Free, multi grain, poppy seed, Recipes, savory, sesame seeds
Misadventures in gluten-free baking

No, I am not going “Gluten-Free” or “GF” it ain’t happening. But I have friends with gluten issues from confirmed celiac, to people who just feeling better without gluten, so I’ve decided to see what’s involved in faking gluten. So far what’s involved is a lot of money! Baking gluten-free is fucking pricey. Ingredients from […]
Filed Under: Baking, Gluten Free, Thought Tagged With: Baking, cookies, Food, Gluten Free