Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

And now the real work begins

We hoped, but behind that hope was work. We voted for Change, and change requires work. America Tweet

My Mendocino Vacation – Narrated by @PreppyDude


These beeps, bloops, sqwaks, growls and syncopated rhythms can mean only one thing…

OH HELLZ YEAH! Phil, Susan, & Joanne are back with their first new album since 2001’s “Secrets.” Tweet

Amazing Times

That has been my refrain for 2011, We are living in amazing times.  We are living through a period of time that will be looked back upon and scrutinized Tweet

San Francisco


San Francisco

Fog tumbles over the mountainan avalanche incascading sheets of white. The City lays before me silent,in the late afternoon sun-setting time. Wind rushes byas it plummets into the cityscapesprawled out below. Slowly it succumbs to the avalanche.Fog falling all the way to the bay. Then the rush of white takes medeep within its mistsas I […]

After Gertrude

Fog tumbles over the mountain an avalanche in cascading sheets of white. The City lays before me silent, in the late afternoon sun-setting time. Wind rushes by as it plummets into the cityscape sprawled out below. Slowly it succumbs to the avalanche. Fog falling all the way to the bay. Then the rush of white […]

As My Mother Lies Dying

For as long as I can rememberI’ve feared my mother woulddie from dementia Forget everything she’s doneForget her children, her travels,her perseverance Leaving an abusive marriageRaising children as a single motherMaking a new life of her own Her boyfriend, her grandchildrenand great grandchildrenall forgotten and lost To the fog of the brainThe crippling of the […]


Grief is fluidand like the ocean it has waves some just wet your feetand some are tsunamis  Worst are the sneaker wavesthat come out of nowhereand drag you out to choke and drown in a sea of your own tears —Dedicated to my friend Sean Reinert Tweet


Celebration I should be dead by nowbut I refuse.In 1998 I became ~ other I became ~ positiveTold that I had twentymaybe twenty-five years to live, most of them ill. I stand, I live, I am healthyand I remain defiant.I will live.I will outlive you all! I simply refuse to acceptthat I cannot live a […]