Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Archives for May 2007

2 more weeks!!!!

The countdown has begun. I leave for Paris two weeks from today. We’re flying out of JFK (not in the original plan) on BA (also not in the original plan) have a layover in London (yep, not in the original plan) but who cares? I’ll be in Paris by 11am CET on May 24th. That’s […]

An easy evening

I’m watching One Blue Voice and singing along, while also going through the recipe database to pull out more goodies. Tweet

Berry Scones

AND EVEN MORE CARBS!!!!! Gah!!!! I had a steak for dinner and some walnuts as a snack, I love this easy version of scones, they almost as good as the authentic recipe I posted last week, but these are far easier and take much less time. Remember frozen berries are your friend in this recipe. […]

And speaking of carbs…

Oh how I miss potatoes, I adore them, their creaminess, their texture, their versatility. What follows is my favorite recipe for potatoes, I love them crispy and cheesy, this version works well in any number of situations. Tweet

My Favorite Grilled Cheese

I’m craving carbs, bread to be specific, and though I can’t have this, I thought I’d daydream of cheesy, bready goodness and share the recipe for my absolute favorite grilled cheese sandwich. Charles Tweet


I’ve just spent near 4 hours uploading over 900 photos to my new Flickr account. I’m not quite done, but most of the fun stuff is there. Tweet

Progress, not perfection.

What can I say, these photos speak for themselves. Background: Size 42 Old Navy Jeans. Foreground: Size 36 Old Navy Jeans I haven’t been able to wear the size 36 jeans for 4 years. (Clarification: I am wearing the size 36″ in this photo). Tweet


This is something you’re going to see often, I adore this cd & its companion dvd. Alison Moyet’s Voice It’s a wonderful CD and the concert One Blue Voice are the kind of performances that just make you stop, and listen again, and again. Though primarily classic and traditional tunes, Alison covers some more modern […]

Justice, well at least a little…

I hate her, I hate her so much I won’t print her name here, ever. It’s about god damn time that little skank finally got her wake up call. I hope her 45 days are an eternity, I only wish the judge had given her more time in jail. Note: any comments mentioning her name […]


I’m getting aggravated with my diet, the weight loss has slowed by half, and it’s making me push back my goals. One of which is to be in a certain pair of pants for my birthday. Just have to keep reminding myself the final goal is a healthy weight and maintaining it, not arbitrary timelines […]