Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Poulet Violette

Yes, that translates to purple chicken. What is it? It’s a variation of Coq au Vin. This one however is made with Beaujolais Nouveau instead of your standard Burgundy. It is also not a ‘quick cooking’ version that you may see all over the Internet. This version is based on a traditional Coq au Vin, and requires 2 days of marinating before cooking, so start on Friday early evening, for a Sunday dinner…

Dinner In 20 Minutes – A Primer

Yes it can be done, a healthy fresh meal from start to finish in 20 minutes. Some things will require you to think ahead and do some prep on the weekends when you have more time, things like making a batch of rice for side dishes, parboiling pasta, … [Continue reading]

Humble Pie meet the Turd Cheesecake

The other day I had what can only be described as an EPIC Baking FAIL. That's okay with me, they happen to all of us, at some point or another we do something and it just doesn't work. Mine was 2 fold, and both can be learning experiences for me, … [Continue reading]

And now the real work begins

We hoped, but behind that hope was work. We voted for Change, and change requires work. America … [Continue reading]

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My Mendocino Vacation – Narrated by @PreppyDude

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These beeps, bloops, sqwaks, growls and syncopated rhythms can mean only one thing…

OH HELLZ YEAH! Phil, Susan, & Joanne are back with their first new album since 2001's "Secrets." … [Continue reading]

Amazing Times

That has been my refrain for 2011, We are living in amazing times.  We are living through a period of time that will be looked back upon and scrutinized … [Continue reading]

Absentia, Memoria, Florida Part Three

View from the dock at Ferndale Lodge

Absentia, Memoria, Florida Part Three: Florida It had been 35 years since I'd been to Florida.  I didn't enjoy it as a child, too humid, too sticky, worse than summer in NJ, and it rained every day I was there.  This trip was very … [Continue reading]

San Francisco

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