Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Buttermilk Cake

I came across this recipe for Raspberry Buttermilk Cake in Gourmet Magazine, and not having any 9″ round pans I decided to see if I could use another pan and get good results, so off to the Google I went, where I found the ever helpful Old Farmer’s Almanac and their handy Pan Sizes and […]

I’ll Celebrate The Fourth of July When…

The Freedom to Marry is guaranteed for all. Photo taken May 26th, Union Square, New York City during the Prop 8 “Day of Decision” march & rally. Tweet

When “Vegan” isn’t…

Okay, we all know I’m not a vegan, not by any stretch of the imagination.  But I think we all know that I believe food should be what it purports to be.  Some vegans in Los Angeles think that too and they’ve done some serious investigating of local “Vegan” restaurants, and no surprise (to me) […]

Bumpy moves

So much for a smooth transistion from one host to another, there have been some bumps in the road, and the site may look funky until they’re sorted. Some customization was lost in the transition, and since I’ve been having serious issues with my RSS feed, I decided to nuke the entire RSS feed and […]