Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Under-The-Weather Day-Dreaming…

So, reports are coming out that this year’s flu vaccine isn’t as effective as it should be, because strains that weren’t expected are popping up and I’m fairly sure that I am on the receiving end of one of those strains; at least I got the shot which should shunt some of the worst effects and give me a quicker recovery time…


So what does that mean for me, well for one it means low-energy and conserving resources, and it means kicking back a bit and day-dreaming.  Though, in this case day-dreaming can also be called planning.  Yes, it is that time of year again, time to plan out the birthday trip to Paris,  yes, I know my birthday is still three months and two-weeks away, but dammit these trips require planning to get the most bang for the buck (or Euro) and the time. 


I’m making a list of things to do and places to go in Paris that I haven’t been able to do previously, and this year is the year to do them, because I’m taking my sister Cathy with me, and we have more similar interests, I can also count on her to be slightly more adventurous with food.*


So the list so far is:


  • Pere LaChaise – Oscar Wilde, Maria Callas, Gertrude Stein for me & Jim Morrison for Cathy
  • The Catacombs – My mother thought is was too creepy
  • Ile St. Louis – Somehow  just never made it there
  • Montmarte (aside from Sacre Cœur)
  • Allee des Cygnes
  • Chinatown – Must see what the French do with Chinese food.
  • Musee d’Orsay
  • Rodin musuem
  • The Palace at Versailles
  • Have a picnic along the Seine
  • See whichever “American Blockbuster Movie” that is released on Chazmorial Day Weekend (some people insist on still calling it “Memorial Day”).

There are so many things left unseen, entire parts of the city I have yet to explore, and my desire to do so grows with each visit…


I’m sure I’ll be writing about this more and more as the time approaches.


*She won’t eat fish either, but at least she won’t have a melt-down if she’s served shrimp and the heads are still on them.