Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Eating Well: Bok Choy Blossoms & Tortellini

Bok Choy Blossoms & Tortellini

Great, super fast meal using store-bough fresh tortellini, the last of my farmer’s market finds from last week, along with a tasty easy sauce of butter and goat cheese.  You’re done in minutes.  Boiling the water will take the longest.

Bok Choy Blossoms & Tortellini

The tortellini is fresh from Trader Joe’s $1.99 for a 10oz package, I used half for this.  I had about half the bok choy blossoms left, and an ounce (2 tbsp) of the goat cheese which is also from Trader Joe’s and was $2.49 for 5oz .

Cook tortellini per package, strain.  in same pan melt the butter and add the bok choy blossoms, saute for two minutes, then add goat cheese, cooked tortellini, salt, and pepper. stir until cheese is melted and serve.

Until the next meal; Eat Well!