Playing With My Food ~
A journal about food, thought, travel, and life; by Chef & Raconteur Chaz French.

Heaven, in a churn…

Banana, Strawberry, Raspberry, & Vanilla Ice Cream 2 large, very ripe bananas 8 ounces hulled strawberries 8 ounces raspberries (frozen will do) 16 ounces heavy cream, 8 ounces milk 2 ounces honey 1 ounce extra special uber-good vanilla extract Blend until smooth in a high-powered blender, (or food processor). Pour mixture into a ice cream […]

Texas: The Long Good-Bye…

Texas, prior to 2005 it was on my visited map because it met my standard rule of inclusion which is, you just can’t drive through, you have to stop and do something, and in summer of 2002 I was taking one of many cross-country trips on a Greyhound bus, when I met a nice travel-mate […]

A final note on Paris…

As well as France in general, this is the one a certain Aussie in London has been waiting for. THE FOOD. Oh the food, the food, the fucking glorious food. It is beyond words, though I’ll try, beyond joy, beyond eating anywhere else in the world. France puts a value on even the most basic […]

Brasserie d’Orgemont – Bières Naturelles, Non Filtrées, Non Pasteurisées

Brasserie d’Orgemont – All Natural Beer, Non Filtered, Not Pasteurized. OM MF G That’s some damned good beer, if you have the chance to have it, you simply must. But try not to have too many, as I had five, and my tummy was not happy about the Non Pasteurisèes part of that equation. DRINK […]

Proper f***ing coffee

One more thing to adore about Paris is Cafe Creme. This is how I liked it served the best. 2 ounces of espresso in a cup, 4 ounces of frothy, steamed milk in a pot, and a packet of sugar. Add sugar to coffee, stir gently, add some of the milk while gently spooning the […]

Revelation about Inspiration

I’m always looking for inspiration, inspiration to cook, to write, new things to try, it goes on and on. I believe most of us are constantly searching for things to inspire us in to making our lives, or perhaps the world better. Today I had a minor revelation…. Why? Why look for things to inspire […]


I am furious with my government. I am disgusted with the lack of oversight, the lack of inspection and livid that the Chinese government thinks they can just send poisonous food into our country. I came across this article in this morning’s paper, and am livid. Illegal pesticides, banned antibiotics, ‘putrefying bacteria’ are amongst the […]


One of the things I love about cooking is learning something new, and sometimes learning just doesn’t come easy, a gap in my skills has always been my inability to make a decent omelette. Now not being good at something and having them consistently fail, over time, I stopped trying. Last night I was hungry, […]

Diary of a Foodie

Aside from being what part of this site is about, “Diary of a Foodie” is also a program on PBS produced by Gourmet Magazine. I’ve set the DVR to catch every episode it finds and I have yet to find one I don’t like but this one, if my favorite so far. Full fat cooking, […]


After hearing a number of people rave about Havana NY I decided to give it a try for lunch today. After looking over the menu, I decided to go with one of the “Specials of the Day” on the premise that when a restaurant has specials, that they are … special. I chose the “Cuban […]